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credit card problem and profile problems

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: credit card problem and profile problems

I've been on the site for 10 minutes and already have 3 issues with it.

No Visa accepted? I have 3 visas and no mastercard.

Only JPG format accepted? I have edited photos and they are PNG

I can't PASTE my description? I worked very hard to write a good one, in a text editor, and I have to TYPE it in to Passions?

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: credit card problem and profile problems
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imperfection97 wrote: I've been on the site for 10 minutes and already have 3 issues with it.

No Visa accepted? I have 3 visas and no mastercard.

Only JPG format accepted? I have edited photos and they are PNG

I can't PASTE my description? I worked very hard to write a good one, in a text editor, and I have to TYPE it in to Passions?

First, welcome to the site!

As to the issues you have raised, we'll address them one at a time.

1) You are correct. We do not currently offer VISA as a payment option for the (optional) 'Network Wide Access' upgrade.

The reason for this is rightfully unbelievable, but unfortunately completely true. VISA will not approve a site that has a focus on Vampires. Because Vampire Passions is a site within Passions Network, VISA would not approve it's card as a payment option. We would LOVE to have it as a payment option, but their restrictions are outside our control, and we are not going to close down Vampire Passions just to have access to VISA as a payment option. (Yes, we know how ridiculous this all sounds, and you would not believe the discussions that took place regarding this issue when we were setting up our payment processor.)

Note: We do provide an 'Online Check' option, which is just as safe as using a credit card, and which can be cancelled just as easily. (Considering that we are only charging $4.95/month for 'Network Wide Access' to over 248 live sites, it's not like we are trying to rip anyone off with large fees.)

2) We only accept .jpg and .jpeg images.

You state that you have .png images, so you cannot upload your photos.

You can use the image converter on the following page to convert your images from .png to .jpg:


Note: There was a large DOWNLOAD ad near the top of the page when we visited it. That is AN AD. You do not need to download anything onto your computer from the page we are referencing. Below the ad, you will see a line that reads 'Upload your image you want to convert to JPG:' That is the area you should focus your attention on.

Separately, we provide a link to a free online photo editor within the photo management section of our site, and instructions on what to do step-by-step to edit you could have uploaded your images and re-saved them as .jpg images using that option as well.

3) You typed your description in a text editor and cannot copy and paste it into our site.

You are correct. We have disabled copy and paste because most members of Passions Network have more than one site in their accounts, and it is against the TOS (Terms of Service) to have the same description on different sites in your account. We found that members were creating a single description and then pasting it in each site in their account, so we disabled pasting.

The whole idea of Passions Network is that it should be easier to break the ice if you share something in common, so if you have Yoga Passions, Trek Passions and Trucker Passions in your account, you should have site specific descriptions in each site. Members on Yoga Passions are more likely to find a connection with you if you are talking about your interest in yoga on that site, and Trek Passions members are more likely to find a connection with you if you are talking about the Sci Fi shows/movies/books you like.

While we understand your frustration in having to re-type your description, the overall network benefits from our approach because members are more likely to actually describe their specific interests in the site(s) they are on (when they cannot copy and paste the same description over and over).

Sorry for the 'issues' you have had difficulty with since joining, but there is a real explanation behind each issue.



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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Uploading a video LINK doesn't seem to work. I've tried a few times throughout the day, and it just freezes my Firefox 26 Passions page for about 2 minutes (can't click on anything) and then returns with Gateway Timeout

Trying to Submit this:


on this page:


Also, what pixel size should my pictures be so they don't display in the wrong aspect ratio (my forum pic is way skinny)

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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Sorry about the Video upload issue. There has been a problem with it since we upgraded servers.

We hope to have the issue resolved by late Monday.

With regards to photo sizes/aspect ratios [on pages other than your profile page], our system will automatically display your primary photo in various sizes throughout the site...but all the sizes will be square (ie. 50x50, 60x60, 100x100, etc.) depending on where the 'thumbnail' image is displayed.

Since your primary photo is rectangular, with a greater width than height, it is being squished into a square shape, which is why you see it as 'skinny'.

Since people are not always in the center of their photos, we don't auto-crop for the small thumbnail displays, but just re-size the primary photo into the various thumbnail sizes.

The best way to fix this is to either 1) crop your primary photo so that is closer to a square in shape, or 2) change your primary photo to one that is closer to square in shape.

Hope that helps explain what is happening with non profile page thumbnail images...and sorry again for the video issue.

There have been a number of small problems since our server upgrade, and we are going through them one by one.



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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Thanks for the quick reply and all the hard work!

It would be good to see a note at the video upload page so people don't waste time trying to figure out what's wrong with their video / method

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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The video upload issue has been fixed.

Please let us know of any other problems you experience.



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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Yay! The video feature is rare on dating sites. Glad to see it working again.

Feature request: ability to add a caption above or below the video.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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While this isn't a 'caption' area, there is a comment area below each video within the Video Directory area (for logged in members).

We will discuss adding a 'caption' area and/or a description area for videos members have submitted into their account (vs. the ones they submit into the directory).

Fair warning though, we have a TON of projects on our 'to-do' list, so this isn't likely to happen right away, but we do discuss every member suggestion.



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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Feature request: ability to view my profile as others see it (I supposedly have some pictures saved that are not public, and not sure how the rest looks either)

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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Rather than spend time building a feature like the one you described, the easiest way for you to see your profile as other see it, you can do one of a couple of things.

[Keep in mind that if someone is logged in, they will see your profile just like you do...except that they will not see the Edit options.]

To see your profile as it would be seen by non-logged in members (ie. visitors or non-members), either view your profile in a browser that you are not logged in on, or open a private/incognito window/browser and view your profile within it.

Let us know if this does not address your issue.



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